Presentations enable you to reach a large number of employees and thereby increase the sensitization regarding specific health topics such as stress, back pain and weight gain. By using simplified and entertaining ways of presenting these topics it is possible to strengthen the feeling of coherency - a key factor in workplace health promotion. By creating a feeling of understanding and meaningfulness, the probability of a long lasting behavioural change increases significantly.
Here are some examples for Presentations:
- Welt im Wandel – Burn-Out, Rückenschmerzen und Fettleibigkeit als Folge des Wohlstands
- Biomechanik Mensch – warum wir zum Laufen gemacht sind
- Rückenschmerz – jeder trägt sein Kreuz
- Stress – Freund, Feind oder beides
- Ernährung 2016 – "faster" geht es kaum noch